October 2015
I was away at a conference during our October 2015 Town Meeting, so I do not have any pictures to post. Many thanks to Mrs. Boyce who took meeting notes for me.
Trick or Treat for UNICEF with the Latin Club--- see Mrs. Cook for details, but get your togas ironed; you will be wearing them soon!
Yearbooks are on sale!!!! $40 until Friday, 10/23 and $50 after that date. Buy early and save!!!!
The One Hundred Book Challenge is waiting for you-- see Mrs. Bernhardt, Miss Shaw or Mrs. Anuszewski to get more details. We are excited to book talk with you!!!
Robotics League is looking for new members. See Miss Shaw if you would like to join!
NANORIMO... Miss Shaw shared "Water for Elephants" with Rambler Town. This book was written during Nano--- So, WRitE oN, Ramblers!!!!
Finally, great honor goes to October's Student of the Month, Jacob Hickey. He was nominated by Mrs. Anuszewski and voted in by the entire WHS staff. If you would like to read the sentiments shared at the town meeting on Jake's behalf, please click: HERE.